Friday, December 23, 2011

North Pole Cupcakes

These cupcakes we a blast to make. I had not seen a "recipe" for them, only a photo of them on Pinterest.

I decided that I wanted to make these to bring to work!

If you want to make these precious cupcakes - here is what I used:

1 box of White Cake Mix, plus the ingredients it calls for, i.e.: eggs, vegetable oil
1 large tub of White Fluffy Icing
Candy Cane Sticks
White or Clear Sugar Sprinkles
Piping Bag for icing application ( I didn't have one; I improvised and used a Ziploc, worked just as well )
North Pole Signs, preferably printed on Cardstock ( Click Here for a Printable Example )
Red Hot candies

Now you are ready to make these little cuties!

Cook the cupcakes as directed on package. Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes so your icing doesn't melt!!

Fill a Piping bag ( or a Ziploc bag in my case ) with your fluffy icing. Cut a corner off of the bag. Squeeze the icing out and apply in a circular pattern on the top of each cupcake. (I hope that makes sense!)

Top icing with some sprinkles for a snowy effect. This also adds a tasty little crunch to your cupcakes.

Dab a small amount of icing of the back of each North Pole sign. This will serve as "glue." Then stick a sign on each candy cane stick. Then dab a bit of icing on each Red Hot candy and place one on top of each candy cane stick. Insert into cupcakes!

Your cupcakes are now complete and oh so precious. If you cover your cupcakes, the humidity in the container will most likely make the candy canes a sticky mess. So try not to keep them covered for too long.

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